This Letter might be small and tiny, my writing might disappear as the space around it is so vast, but you can still see my little words, still read my small letters - if you want to; an expression of my outrage! DIGNITY, this thing beyond life and autonomy, this shared responsibility, for which we fumble for words because they always seem too small to express it - We write essays, need philosophers, theories, discussions, disputes, wars - humiliation. At one point you find yourself naked. This is when you know what dignity means. When it is taken from you, you will outrage and do everything to take it back! I tell you: It is time to outrage NOW! INDIGNEZ-VOUS! The negation of dignitas is the cry for change, for justice, fairness, equality, diversity, more, less… To outrage means to take ACTION, to make something, to design new worlds and ways, it means to support transparency and to call for the best QUALITY! We have our eyes wide open, we want to see! The first thing to do as your dignity is in danker is to DISOBEY -
Stand up! Take Action! It will be hard - yes! Inconvenient - yes! Trust me, it was easier to write on the straight line… you know you do have ability of critical thinking. And you might ask yourself, why a dressmaker is telling you all this stuff about disobedience and dignity and action and quality, calling for outrage!?
Use things! Use your clothes Stop consuming - you are more, so much more. Don’t let them call you a consumer. Stop consuming - Use
Time, Devotion and Care. Take Action. Mend.
No Dignity = No quality.
This is my manifesto. – Isabela B. Gygax

don’t stay in the Line! Actually, why am I writing on a straight line?
De-Follow all the bullshit seducing you into consumerism and low quality stuff.

go out and find your own path, follow your own way,use your brain and your heart
Stand up for yourself by standing up for others.
we design fashion, we make things, we take action and create culture - we write history we write future and existence… What we need is Humanitas! Look at indigenous peoples, rebells, suffragettes, drag queens, punks, homeless, the pussy hat, the little hole in your jumper.. do you know how to mend it?

You know what is right - if you don’t, be curious and find out.
A paradox? Useless? Well - No! Dress has always been an expression of our identity as humans, if dignity has never been photographed, it has certainly been DRESSED.
Use Stop consumption! Sustain Memories You’re way Collective Love

Expression Convenience to Buy Quality Expression Mending Action Identity Machine Time Identity Action Hands Disobey Care Care Waste Disposal Appearance Self display Revolution Future Invictus Silence Our way diversity action!





Isabela Gygax Isabela Gygax

I am a researcher, critical designer and fashion activist. I trained at the École de la Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture Parisienne (now IFM) in fashion design and pattern making and worked as such in Paris before I obtained a master's degree in Ethics and Sustainability (Fashion Futures) at the University of the Arts London in 2018. The latter inspired me to develop expertise on the issue of human dignity in the context of fashion and dress.

My interests are concerned with changing the systemical paradigms that cause social and environmental injustice, at best by using fashion as a force for good. But regardless of the medium, ultimately, my energy goes into working towards a kinder system that values people, the environment, creativity and profit in equal measure.